
1,000 Days Successful Operation of SHE System



As we  always take people as our core competency, “Care about  our employees and maximize their value" is  one of the core value of YunMed. The SHE concept has been established ever  since 2017  in an effort to embed  safety and prevention mindset into corporate opertation. "SHE"  represents Safety, Health and Environment. SAFETY refers to production safety  at work place. HEALTH covers staff care and physical health. ENVIRONMENT  means cleaning and order maintaining all over the company. The whole concept  also implies that we care more about our female staffs and strive to create  equal condition and opportunities for them. Our goal is to effectively  control risks which may harm staff health, company asset and, in particular,  our customer value as much as we can. Everyone is required to keep the SHE  regulation and related knowledge & skills in mind to deal with a variety  of emergencies and protect each other. To further empower the system, we  embrace it as fundamental company objective as well as personal forefront,  and continue to practice and improve as part of life at YunMed.        
